There are three very important keys to a well-rounded dog: Overall Temperament, Socialization, and Training.
A primary concern in any breeding program should be Temperament. A good pet-quality dog should fit into any family situation, be kind, gentle, and easily trained, as well as
Top 3 Places to Get A Puppy & Who To Avoid

Here are my top three places to get a puppy, followed by who you should not get a puppy from.
A Reputable Breeder
A reputable breeder is knowledgeable of their breed and likely offers a contract and guarantee. Dogs and puppies should be healthy, and puppies should be required to stay with their litter mates until at least 8 weeks of age.
Choosing a Puppy: Rescue, Purebred, or Registered

Rescue, purebred, or registered purebred? For some, there is only one right answer. For others, it’s a toss-up. If you haven’t chosen a specific breed, the field is wide open! Choose Rescue If: You would rather rescue a puppy. Mixed breed or not, it doesn’t matter. You’re patient, but you would still rather adopt than […]
Disaster Preparedness For Your Dogs

Not only should you consider putting together a disaster kit for yourself and your human family, you should prepare a disaster kit for your pets as well.
A storage tub can keep everything together in one place. Be sure to choose an out-of-the-way, yet convenient-in-emergency place to keep your disaster kit. A floor-level closet is a good choice, space providing.
Things you need to consider for this kit include:
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