Disaster Preparedness For Your Dogs

Tips to help get your dog's stuff together in case od disaster.

Not only should you consider putting together a disaster kit for yourself and your human family, you should prepare a disaster kit for your pets as well.

A storage tub can keep everything together in one place. Be sure to choose an out-of-the-way, yet convenient-in-emergency place to keep your disaster kit. A floor-level closet is a good choice, space providing.

Things you need to consider for this kit include:

1. Dog Food: At least a three day supply of food, in an airtight/waterproof container. This can be tricky if you’re a strict raw feeder, unless you will consider temporarily using canned meat & vegetables or a dehydrated grain-free food.

2. Water is another necessity of life. You should store at least a three day supply for your dogs. In times of disaster, ground water, rivers, and streams can become contaminated with sewage and chemical pollutants as well as dead and diseased animals.

3. An extra supply of Medication, as well as Vet Records, should also be kept in your waterproof container. Talk to your vet about expected expiration/shelf life and be sure to “rotate stock”.

4. Pet First Aid Kit: There are many pet first aid kits on the market today, and they are usually fairly priced. If you choose to put together one of these kits yourself, be sure to include cotton bandages, first aid tape, scissors (medical scissors are a good choice), latex gloves, antibiotic ointment, an antiseptic (I prefer iodine or betadine over isopropyl alcohol because it stings less), and saline solution for rinsing debris out of the eyes or cleaning wounds. Talk to your veterinarian if your dog has current medical needs which may require more than the basics.

5. Leash and Collar or Harness with an ID Tag in case you’re separated. Microchip tags can also help locate an owner, but if the phone lines are down and cellular communications are jammed, they will not be as useful as a name tag with your name, address, and cell phone number.

6. A Picture of you and your dog together can help prove ownership and will provide others with a good idea of size and color.

7. A Crate or Pet Carrier can help keep your dog safe during travel should you decide to evacuate. Should you decide to shelter in place, it will keep your dog out of trouble while you put your life back together, and can be seen as a familiar and safe place in a time when your entire life has been turned upside down. Shelters that accept pets will most likely require a crate or kennel for your dogs (as well as any other pets).

8. Toys, Treats, and Bedding are familiar items that can help your dog feel right at home in a disaster situation. Consider buying two like items, one for playing with now, and one to replace your dogs favorite in case the original is destroyed.


About Barb Darbey

I love people, and I love helping people. I believe in educating yourself and helping others to educate themselves by showing them where to find the best information and resources to make life easier, less expensive, and more fun. You can read more about me and my background on the About Barb page.

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