A microchip alone is not a sure-fire means of identification for your dog, but does add a measure of protection and identification.
Benefits of a Microchip
Lost, Escaped, or Run-Away Pets
Even if your dog never leaves the house without a collar and leash, accidents can happen. If your dog runs out without a collar, or slips the collar on a walk, he/she will still have a form of id. Shelters, as well as dog wardens, will generally scan dogs for microchips.
A microchip is a permanent form of identification for your pet. Once scanned, ownership can be proven. Don’t forget to send in the microchip registration information!
Laboratory Use
Laboratories generally will not buy animals with permanent identification such as a microchip.
Drug Trafficking, Dog Fighting, and Other Illegal Activities
A dog with a microchip is trace-able. A responsible and caring owner, caregiver, or breeder should provide information to law enforcement officials concerning the identity and ownership of a dog that is found to be involved in these activities.
Other Means of Identification to Consider for Your Dogs
Id Tag
Since not everyone owns a scanner, you should provide another form of id for the general public. If you are against the “jingle” of a traditional metal id tag, consider another form of tag. The plastic pet id tag is somewhat quieter than a metal tag, and the flat (slide-on) tag
, which is sewn, riveted, or slipped onto the collar makes no sound by itself. The FasTags™ Shrinking ID Tag, made at home like a “Shrinky Dink”, is both economical and easy to make.
Embroidered Collar
Embroidered collars are more costly and hold less information than an id tag, but are generally easier to read at a distance.
For more information about microchips or microchipping your pet, please contact your veterinarian, or visit the AVID and/or Home Again websites.