Training your own dog can be intimidating and down right frustrating if you go about it the wrong way. Before I go into detail on the four things to do, let me start with what not to do. This is the number one thing that will set your puppy back and will slow down the […]
3 Keys to Producing the “Total Package” Dog
There are three very important keys to a well-rounded dog: Overall Temperament, Socialization, and Training.
A primary concern in any breeding program should be Temperament. A good pet-quality dog should fit into any family situation, be kind, gentle, and easily trained, as well as
Before You Get a New Dog or Puppy

Questions you should ask yourself, and answer honestly, before you get a new dog or puppy.
Do I understand the breed mentality?
Certain breeds, such as the Rottweiler, originated as working dogs. Many of these dogs still maintain a high degree of working mentality. What does this mean for you? For starters, you can expect a puppy from the Working Group to have drive and determination.
Passing the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test

I think everyone gets nervous when they hear the word “test”, but the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen test is really not so hard once you and your dog have Basic Obedience skills.
Basic CGC Skills
These basic skills include sit, down, heel, here/come, and stay. The dog will also need to be friendly to strangers and other dogs, and will need to be familiar with grooming, such as allowing his/her ears to be checked, allow brushing, and allow the friendly stranger to handle both front feet.
Consistency Is Key When Training Your Dog

If you want a well behaved dog, you must be consistent when training your dog! When you give your dog a command, you must follow through. Sit means sit now. Not “Maybe you’ll sit for me later”. Sit Now.
Some Sad Truth
There are many dogs in shelters because of their bad manners. Owners may have used inconsistent training methods, or had good intentions but never got around to training their puppy. Many wonder why their puppy grew up to be such an out of control dog. Other dogs like theirs are so well mannered.
Dominance Issues: A Few Quick Tips

Dogs that don’t know their place in the human pack can be a real problem. Following these suggestions can relieve dominance issues and will make a big difference rather quickly. Bring peace and a sense of well-being back into your household!
No Dogs In Bed. Dogs may be domesticated, but they still maintain a pack mentality. Dominant dogs, or the pack leaders, get to sleep in the best spot. Letting your dog sleep with you can signal an equality amongst peers.
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