Training your own dog can be intimidating and down right frustrating if you go about it the wrong way. Before I go into detail on the four things to do, let me start with what not to do. This is the number one thing that will set your puppy back and will slow down the […]
3 Keys to Producing the “Total Package” Dog
There are three very important keys to a well-rounded dog: Overall Temperament, Socialization, and Training.
A primary concern in any breeding program should be Temperament. A good pet-quality dog should fit into any family situation, be kind, gentle, and easily trained, as well as
Word Art – I’ll Go Anywhere With You

“I’ll go anywhere as long as I’m with you.” Save
Word Art – Pets In Our Solitude

“The difference between friends and pets is that friends we allow into our company, pets we allow into our solitude.” – Robert Brault Save Save
Top 3 Places to Get A Puppy & Who To Avoid

Here are my top three places to get a puppy, followed by who you should not get a puppy from.
A Reputable Breeder
A reputable breeder is knowledgeable of their breed and likely offers a contract and guarantee. Dogs and puppies should be healthy, and puppies should be required to stay with their litter mates until at least 8 weeks of age.
Word Art – A Lucky Dog is One Who is Loved

“A lucky dog is one who is loved.” Truly Lucky We tend to perceive a dog to be lucky when it is rescued from a life on the streets, but have you considered, a truly lucky dog may be any dog who is loved? Save Save
Choosing a Puppy: Rescue, Purebred, or Registered

Rescue, purebred, or registered purebred? For some, there is only one right answer. For others, it’s a toss-up. If you haven’t chosen a specific breed, the field is wide open! Choose Rescue If: You would rather rescue a puppy. Mixed breed or not, it doesn’t matter. You’re patient, but you would still rather adopt than […]
Word Art – A Wonderful Dog

“Once you have had a wonderful dog a life without one is greatly diminished.”
Before You Get a New Dog or Puppy

Questions you should ask yourself, and answer honestly, before you get a new dog or puppy.
Do I understand the breed mentality?
Certain breeds, such as the Rottweiler, originated as working dogs. Many of these dogs still maintain a high degree of working mentality. What does this mean for you? For starters, you can expect a puppy from the Working Group to have drive and determination.
Why You Should Microchip Your Dogs

Benefits of a Microchip
Lost, Escaped, or Run-Away Pets
Even if your dog never leaves the house without a collar and leash, accidents can happen. If your dog runs out without a collar, or slips the collar on a walk, he/she will still have a form of id. Shelters, as well as dog wardens, will generally scan dogs for microchips.
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